Option-Oriented Operations ~ 15 Jan 2016

The new year is slightly more than a fortnight underway and initial reports are... mixed at best. Oil prices are down - great news... but riding that, so are stocks, retirement nest eggs and that not so good news promotes a decline in collective optimism. While a major drug lord has been captured, actor Sean Penn indicates regret over his participation. Mercury is retrograde, and while seeking acute mental clarity, one might inadvertently wade into muddle. What’s an incarnate to do?

First, take a breath. The pace of the year dances to an unpredictable soundtrack. The Pluto to Uranus square sets up scenarios that appear to be transformative, and once on the brink of plunging into evolutionary pursuits, real world priorities appear and reappear for immediate attention in what appears to be blatant distraction. Take a cue from Jupiter, now a week into his retrograde cycle in Virgo. Eight days from now, the north node catches up with most colorful, enormous planet, despite the rear view drive directing his traction.

Consider that this Virgo alignment asks for an option-oriented approach to all objectives and operations in place. There may be no perfect answer, however, there may be multiple solutions that when conscientiously applied, produce results that run better than nominal. Consider new information when it arrives... as an important element to add... not as a disruption to the plan in play.

Remember, if a person doesn’t understand and wrap around your best pitch for progress in live, you are not necessarily wrong about your plan. Perhaps your presentation lacks the segue that naturally routed in your consciousness, but lacks revelation in your plan. Perhaps a dot 1 or rev b add new, important elements that enhance your invention, protocol, aspiration, schematic, outline or what have you. Perhaps the person to whom you present your plan will never understand your pitch.

If an idea comes your way from another individual, potentially with insistence and a tone of superiority, that does not mean you are wrong, incorrect, flawed, inadequate or any negative reaction that may result when hearing, “here’s what you need to do,” “this will make it better,” “everyone knows it’s done like this.” Strive to accept the input with good humor, check it out, and if it contributes, add it. It if fails to contribute, write it off as an off target opinion.

Work to create three-prong alternatives for each fork in the road. Mercury, ruler of Virgo, must orbit the Sun three times for both sides of its surface to benefit from direct solar light. Having alternatives to the plan does not inspire susceptibility to running off on tangents. Instead, options and alternatives improve the directness of course ahead and precision in achieving operational perfection.

Consider that while the node approaches Jupiter, Venus joins in the fray, squaring from Sagittarius. Worry less about funding the option, and direct attention to increasing universal appeal with the expansion of the scope and breath of a full spectrum for what you seek to do.

Ixion, a Trans-Neptunian Body, and giver of second chances, also travels Sag. He reminds fellow travelers that while the earlier pitch/presentation/effort may have recently derailed, other opportunities loom directly ahead. Keep your head high and be on the lookout for the new chances, fully releasing any less than ideal situation recently occurring.

Eris, the lover of discord and planet that wears feelings of isolation as a merit badge, forms a quincunx to the Jupiter-node pattern actively in coalescence. Remember, that if you feel misunderstood and rejected for your brilliance, your present task is to make you life renderings fit the needs of the consumer base, align in mind with fellow travelers on this planet, and match up with soul seekers with similar aspirations. You’re not compromising by doing so, you merely seek an appropriate usage for what you bring to the table. Embrace the need to reset your position. Enjoy the edit. Savor the speculation of all possible and wildly extended realities dolloped on your plate.

Finally, the “other Pluto,” Orcus, as discovering astronomer, Mike Brown, likes to call this dwarf planet, also transits Virgo. From the current position, Orcus virtually opposes Neptune in Pisces. Orcus, an underworld deity, maintains dominion over oaths and adherence to those oaths. Remember to keep your promises... mostly the ones you made to yourself about what you will do this year. Look deep into the depths of the soul to recall the promises preceding this incarnation. One theory goes that while in the spirit world and choosing a life on Earth, some dharmic promise was made prior to incarnation. But that’s only one theory. There are other theories about why one is doing this lifetime on this planet at this time. Regardless, all those theories appear to recognize the validity of an option-oriented operational approach to life objectives. Masterpieces are in the making!

More soon!